Koffka Khan
Department of Computing and Information Technology, The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i6-14Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper presents a framework with a taxonomy for multi-task learning in the context of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). DASH is a widely used technology for video streaming, and multi-task learning has emerged as a promising approach to enhance the performance and user experience of DASH systems by jointly optimizing multiple related tasks. The framework provides a structured approach to design, train, and evaluate multi-task learning models in DASH, while the taxonomy categorizes the key components and approaches within the framework. The taxonomy includes task types, multitask learning approaches, input features, and training strategies. Task types encompass video quality adaptation, buffer management, bandwidth estimation, content pre-fetching, and resource allocation, representing the specific tasks involved in DASH. Multi-task learning approaches encompass methodologies such as shared representation learning, task-specific layers, multi-head architectures, knowledge distillation, and reinforcement learning, offering flexibility in model design and optimization. Input features cover video characteristics, network conditions, device capabilities, and user preferences, providing the necessary information for informed decision-making across tasks. Training strategies include joint training, alternate training, hierarchical training, task weighting, and task balancing, determining how the multi-task learning model is trained and optimized. By following the presented framework and taxonomy, researchers and practitioners can systematically approach the design, training, and evaluation of multi-task learning models in DASH. The framework enables the development of efficient and adaptive video streaming systems by leveraging the interdependencies among tasks. The taxonomy helps organize the components and approaches within the framework, aiding in a better understanding of the various aspects of multi-task learning in the DASH context. Overall, this framework and taxonomy provide a valuable resource for advancing the field of multitask learning in the dynamic and complex domain of video streaming over HTTP.
KEYWORDS:multi-task, learning, DASH, framework, video, quality, optimization, streaming
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