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A Taxonomy for Deep Learning in Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming Over HTTP
Koffka Khan
Department of Computing and Information Technology, the University of the West Indies, St Augustine,Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-60

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Deep Learning (DL) has become a fundamental technology in the field of Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming over HTTP (DASH), enabling significant advancements in video streaming systems. This taxonomy presents a novel framework for categorizing and organizing the diverse applications and methodologies of DL in DASH. The taxonomy encompasses various aspects of DL, including video representation, quality of experience (QoE) estimation, bitrate adaptation, buffer management, content- and context-aware adaptation, and network optimization. By providing a comprehensive overview of DL in DASH, this taxonomy serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners, facilitating a better understanding of the different DL techniques and their applications in enhancing video streaming performance and user experience.


Deep Learning, DASH, QoE, network, taxonomy, streaming


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