1Nasima Yasmin*,2A. K. M Rezwan,3Tareq Md. Shahriar,4Md. Feroz Miah,5Sultan Mahmud
1,2,3,4Gono Bishwabidyalay,
5Gonoshaasthaya Kendra
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-58Google Scholar Download Pdf
Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, and northern Rakhine State, Myanmar, are two protracted humanitarian crises that are interconnected. A number of donor interventions are aimed at facilitating community resilience and social cohesion, both within the camps and in the host communities. This study aims to assess the progress and effectiveness of an activity based on an information base and establish benchmarks for impact evaluation. In order to conduct the study, both quantitative and qualitative survey techniques were used. A representative sample size was determined for a quantitative survey, including potential qualitative interview participants. For data collection, we used a structured questionnaire, a semi-structured interview guideline, and an unstructured topic guide. We used mostly descriptive statistics with a few inferential tests for our analysis. The triangulation work was developed with information from both methods to draw a credible conclusion. Based on the results, most of the community's health conditions are improving, which confirms the concept of prevention. In terms of vulnerability indices, the highest majority seemed not as much vulnerable as their family had much aware about the traumatize/stress condition. Pregnant/Lactating Women (PLW) were not pronounced as burden by their families as majority of them made visitation for 4 ANC check-up across the study areas. The knowledge level of prevent communicable diseases were found in optimum level in all study areas. An adequate number of beneficiaries responded that malnutrition was screened and diagnosing properly and referred them in time. Moreover, sufferings from psychological issues were found common in FDMN community. In participants’ discussion, It is emphasized that adolescent should be needs of different support and information to cope up with the changes. The study concluded that significant proportion respondents have confirmed about the knowledge of preventive measures, which they learnt mainly from available service provisions. However, it is implied of introducing improve adolescent health services including an adequate supply of necessary of hygiene kits.
KEYWORDS:Primary Health Care, Emergency Relief, Conflict, Disaster, Bangladesh
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