1Elaine T. Manalo,2Ericalee L. Yumang,3Rona Christina M. Almazan
1,2,3College of Teacher Education, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-57Google Scholar Download Pdf
Parental involvement in education improves 'scaffolding' for children's growth and is important in learners' cognitive and behavioral development. This study was specifically conducted to investigate parental involvement and students’ engagement in modular learning environments in terms of academic performance and interpersonal skills. The study employed a Descriptive – Correlational Research Design. The study’s respondents are Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Recto Memorial National High School and seventy-five respondents took part in the data collection. The main instrument of the study was the researcher-made survey question. The findings have shown that parental involvement has a moderately significant relationship to the students’ interpersonal skills in terms of ability to listen and understand, assertiveness, decision- making, problem-solving, and personal stress management. On the other hand, no significant relationship was found between parental involvement and students’ engagement in modular environments in terms of academic performance. The researchers suggest that institutions may consider parent seminars to promote parental involvement in the classroom and help achieve positive student and school outcomes.
KEYWORDS:Academic Performance, Interpersonal Skills, Modular Learning Environments, Parental Involvement.
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