1Sudiadharma,2Abdul Rahman,3Ichsani,4Ahmad Rum Bismar
1,4Sports Coaching Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Road Wijaya Kusuma No. 14 Makassar, Makassar 90222, Indonesia
2,3Sport Science Study Program, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Road Wijaya Kusuma No. 14 Makassar, Makassar 90222, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to determine the effect of farlek training on increasing VO 2 Max of badminton athletes. This study used an experimental method with a one group pretest-postest research design). The population in this study were 25 Makassar badminton athletes. The sample in this study were 25 Makassar badminton athletes with total sampling. Data collection techniques carried out VO 2 Max measurements with measuring instruments Yo-yo intermittent recovery test. The data analysis technique used is using SPSS 23 software to test the Paired sample test. The results showed that there was an increase from farlek training to an increase in VO 2 Max of badminton athletes with a value of 0.00 < 0.05
KEYWORDS:Farlek training, VO2Max, badminton
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