1Thi Huong Phung,2Van Luan Nguyen
1,2University of Labour and Social Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-53Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article provides an overview of the workforce situation at FDI enterprises in Vietnam. Based on collected and aggregated data on the labor force at FDI enterprises, the research team identified: difficulties in recruitment; the scarcity of high- quality personnel in some industries; lack of professionalism and discipline in labor ... are difficulties in human resource work in FDI enterprises today. Based on the current situation of the labor force and the remaining problems in the recruitment and employment of enterprises, the research team also makes suggestions for training activities at the establishments of higher education such as Focusing on training human resources with professional and technical qualifications and soft skills; Improving the quality of training; Professional training for learners or determining the structure of occupations that the market needs to conduct training.
KEYWORDS:Labor force; FDI enterprises, higher education; Vietnam
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