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Organoleptic Evaluation of Mixed Powdered Cotton Fruit (Sandoricum Koetjape) and Rattan Fruit (Calamus Manillensis) as Souring Agent
1Haycel C. Vargas,2Catherine M. Aggabao
1,2College of Education, Isabela State University, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-46

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The study focused on the development, organoleptic evaluation, and marketability of Mixed Powdered Cotton Fruit and Rattan Fruit as Souring Agent. This Product development research included two major phases: (1) Vacuum/Sun Drying and Preparation and (2) Recipes Preparation. To further appreciate the mixed powdered cotton fruit and rattan fruit as souring agent, the study undergoes proximate analysis for its nutritive content and also determining its pH level for the human level consumption. It also determined the organoleptic evaluation of mixed powdered cotton fruit and rattan fruit as souring agent in three (3) different recipes namely pork sinigang, fish sinigang, and beef sinigang in terms of appearance, aroma, and taste by conducting sensory evaluation of the finished product anf the marketability in terms of consumer demand and production cost.
The 40 evaluators consisted of varied age groups 10 teenagers and 10 adults from from selected household members of Purok 5, Baligatan City of Ilagan, Isabela, and 10 Food Experts from Food Technology Faculty, Staff and the Canteen operator of Isabela State University Ilagan City Campus and 10 Restaurant owners in the selected restaurants in the City of Ilagan Isabela. The statistical tools used in the study were the mean (M), Standard Deviation (SD) and One-Way between Groups analysis of Variance (ANOVA). A five-point Likert scale was used in the determination of its marketability and nine-point hedonic scale for
its organoleptic evaluation. Results of the study revealed that mixed powdered cotton fruit and rattan fruit as souring agent used in different sinigang recipes in terms of appearance, aroma, and taste were extremely aggreable across group of teenagers, adults, food experts and restaurant owners. Significant difference was also established in the general organoleptic evaluation and marketability of the different sinigang recipes such as pork sinigang, fish sinigang, and beef sinigang across the groups of respondents were found that there was no significant difference in the general organoleptic evaluation and marketability of mixed powdered cotton fruit and rattan fruit as souring agent.


organoleptic evaluation, cotton fruit, rattan fruit, mixed powdered, souring agent, marketability


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