1Hoang Khanh Van,2Nguyen Thi Linh
1,2University of Labour and Social Affairs, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-43Google Scholar Download Pdf
Up until now, many modern management tools have been developed and used to evaluate business performance. However, budgeting in production and business is still a frequently used tool in business management. This comes from the fact that the budget does not require many resources from the enterprise but still meets the management functions: planning, checking, evaluating, and making decisions. With the characteristics of a labor export enterprise, it is affected by many objective factors affecting its performance, such as the socio-economic situation of labor-receiving countries, the socio-economic situation of Vietnam, job needs and income of employees, etc. Production and business estimates become more and more important. This article aims to find out the perception of managers of labor export companies in Hanoi about the importance and role of budget. At the same time, find out the current state of budgeting in these companies.
KEYWORDS:Budget, labor export enterprise, Hanoi
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