• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Knowledge and Understanding Kratom Consumption for Healthy of Teenagers in South of Thailand
1Jitlada Srisittiyanon,2Neeranat Kaewprasert Rakangthong,3Jintanee Ru-zhe,
4Somnuk Aujirapongpan
1,2,3,4Walailak University, Nakorn Sri Thammarat, 80160, Thailand
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-37

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The study explored the Knowledge and Understanding Kratom Consumption for Healthy of Teenagers in South of Thailand. The objective of this study to 1) Study knowledge and understanding Kratom Consumption for Healthy of Teenagers in South of Thailand. 2) Study factors related to knowledge and understanding Kratom Consumption for Healthy of Teenagers in South of Thailand. The questionnaire collected data of 400 samples and data were analyzed using SPSS program for frequency, percentage, mean, Chi- Square at statistical significance level 0.05. The most of sample are man and aged about 20 to 24 years and education level is Diploma. The income per month is 5,001-10,000 Bath and consumption period of Kratom is less than 1 month. The results of the hypothesis testing revealed that: 1) Demography factors did correlate with Knowledge and Understanding Kratom Consumption for Healthy of Teenagers in South of Thailand. 2) Motivation factors did correlate with Knowledge and Understanding Kratom Consumption for Healthy of Teenagers in South of Thailand.


Understanding, Kratom, Teenagers, Thailand


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