1Akwila Risky Purnama,2Yudanto,3Abdul Alim,4Ricky Pehong,5Muhammad Hamid Anwar
1,2,5Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3Sport Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
4Department of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study constructs a problem-based learning model through digital video media to increase knowledge of materials related to volleyball game and to test the effectiveness of problem-based learning model through digital video media to increase knowledge about volleyball game. The development model used in this study is research and development with the Borg and Gall approach model through 6 stages include preliminary study, development planning, initial product development, feasibility test (small-scale trial, revision), feasibility test (large-scale trial, revision), effectiveness test. The validation test in this study was carried out through one expert of each category, which included instrument, media, and material experts. Small-scale trial (36 respondents) and large-scale trial (72 respondents). The results showed that the volleyball game learning used problem- based learning model through digital video media in the form of materials with a score of 29 is in (good) category, digital video with a score of 31 is in (good) category and practice questions with a score of 41 is in (very good) category. Validity data is obtained from expert validation. The feasibility of the learning model is obtained from the responses of learners who meet clear criteria. Effectiveness data were obtained from achieving conventional learner learning outcomes and learning using problem- based learning models using digital video media to increase knowledge about volleyball game materials using model developed to meet effective criteria. The achievement of student learning outcomes before applying the Problem-Based Learning model using digital video media with an average of 56.57 which is in a poor category; after applying the Problem-Based Learning model using digital video media obtained learning outcomes with an average of 94.07 which is in a very good category. Thus, the results of developing a Problem-Based Learning model through digital video media on volleyball game materials to increase knowledge of volleyball games are likely effective in achieving increased student learning outcomes.
KEYWORDS:PBL Model Development Through Digital Video Media, Volleyball, Knowledge
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