Wasman Wasman
Assoc. Prof., Institute Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
In living a human life, the Al-Qur'an must always guide Muslims. Therefore, humans in carrying out the educational process are always guided by the Al-Qur'an. In the Al-Qur'an, it is revealed that humans are present on this earth not for nothing and not only as companions to other creatures. Supporters of strengthening the contents of the Al-Qur'an are the Hadiths. Regarding this hadith, there are several interpretations to support and strengthen the contents of the Qur'an. This article aims to examine what humans are like in the world of education as creatures of Allah SWT listed in the Al-Qur'an using the perspective of Tarbawi's Hadith and interpretation. The study method used in this article is library research using content analysis. The study's results are that armed with the potential bestowed by Allah SWT, humans have the potential as educators and learners. Humans as learners can, of course, have an equal position and even be above educators. In Islam, learning does not recognize this position. Humans, as educators, have several memorable performances, including intelligence, insight, morals, convincing appearance, and humility. In addition to good performance, it also needs to be paid attention to methods and techniques in educating. Likewise, spiritual aspects such as morals need to be considered.
KEYWORDS:Humans, Educators, Tarbawi, Interpretation, Hadith
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