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  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


The Validity of the Cyber Notary in Supporting Govermment Indonesia in the Field of International Trade
1Dewa Gede Wibhi Girinatha,2Ridwan Sidharta,3Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih
1Candidate Doctoral of Law Warmadewa University
2Candidate Doctoral of Law Warmadewa University Law
3Lecturer in Doctor of Law Program at Warmadewa University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-27

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Along with the very rapid development of information and electronic technology where electronic media is widely used as a reliable platform for carrying out various activities including communicating and carrying out various kinds of work from business transactions to implementing duties and positions, also the use of the use of electronic signatures (electromic signatures) or digital signatures (digital signatures) on authentic deeds, the concept of cyber notary has been around for quite a long time but an ideal meeting point and harmonization have not been found regarding implementing comprehensive regulations for its implementation. The authors are interested in examining how the relationship and role of Notaries in Indonesia are implemented when digital signatures are implemented in a number of agreements or contracts in the context of international trade. This writing was written using normative research methods by collecting primary, secondary, tertiary or non-legal legal materials which collected and analysed through the steps of description, systematization and explanation. The conclusion that can be drawn from this writing is that the development and regulation of cyber notaries in Indonesian positive law can be seen from the new authority for Notaries to certify transactions carried out electronically, and the concept of cyber notary in supporting Indonesia in the field of international trade based on UNCITRAL, can be done with 3 (three) approaches in regulating electronic signature authentication procedures. To make the notary's authority in the concept of cyber notary effective, legal protection and legal certainty are needed for the perpetrators of the transaction.


Validity, Cyber Notary, Supporting, Government Indonesia, International Trade


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