Elfreda Aplonia Lau
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-21Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to analyze and show how to calculate EOQ and prove that the use of the EOQ method can make
inventory costs efficient because the number of purchases is not excessive and not lacking, the frequency of purchases and the
exact time of reordering.
The theory underlying this research is the theory of inventory management, especially the EOQ Single Item Method. The analysis
technique used is descriptive analysis using the EOQ Single Item method to calculate Optimalization EOQ , purchase frequency
(N), and Reorder Point (ROP)
The results showed that inventory cost efficiency can be achieved through the use of the EOQ method which is indicated by the
optimalization EOQ, smaller purchase frequency and cheaper inventory costs compared to determining the amount of inventory,
purchase frequency, time of order and inventory costs POX’Tempe Business
EOQ, Ordering costs, Storage costs, Total Inventory Costs and Efficiency
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