1Septina Ayundani,2I Ketut Arnawa,3I Ketut Sumantra,4Wayan Maba
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i4-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
StudyThis carried out in areas served by the Trans Metro Dewata Bus public transportation, especially Denpasar City, more precisely on corridor 3 which serves the Ubung Terminal route - Sunrise Beach with the route that is passed by the Dalung Integrated Security Post - North Tiara Gatsu - Duku Sari Housing - North Aston - Terminal Ubung – Rs Manuaba – Puri Jero Kuta – Gajah Mada Heritage Area – Surapati – East Sudirman Corner – Bank Indonesia Renon – Samsat Office – Plaza Renon – SDN 2 West Sanur – Kfc Sanur – Sunrise Beach. usample size of 100 samples. Analysisdata used isDescriptive analysis, Likert scale and Qai-Square analysis.The research results show that tThere is a significant relationship between the characteristic variables and the level of people's desire to use the Trans Metro Dewata Bus service on the characteristics of age, type of work and vehicle ownership with a Sig value. 0.000, 0.000 and 0.006. While the variable level of knowledge with the level of people's desire to use the Trans Metro Dewata Bus service shows a significant value of 0.020, so that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and the level of desire to use the Trans Metro Dewata bus public transportation service or knowledge influences desire.
KEYWORDS:Dissemination, characteristic, level of people's desire
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