1Assist Professor. Roheed Khaliqyar,2Associate Prof. Amir Kror Shahidzay,3Assistant. Prof Sebghatullah Aslamza
1Faculty of computer science, Department of software engineering, Kabul University
2Lecturer & Dean of Computer Science Faculty, Kabul University
3Lecturer & Deputy Dean of Computer Science Faculty, Kabul University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i4-53Google Scholar Download Pdf
With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, there is an increasing demand for real-time data processing and analysis. However, the traditional cloud computing architecture is not well-suited for IoT applications due to its inherent limitations such as high latency, limited bandwidth, and high-power consumption. Fog computing has emerged as a promising solution that brings computation and storage capabilities closer to the edge of the network. This paper explores the transition from IoT to Cloud of Things (CoT) using Fog computing. We discuss the benefits and challenges of Fog computing and analyse its architecture and components. Additionally, we examine various use cases of Fog computing and discuss their advantages and limitations. We conclude by highlighting the potential of Fog computing to enable the transition from IoT to CoT
KEYWORDS:Internet of thing, cloud of thing, fog computing, connected cars, smart grids, fog application
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