1Allycia Wahyuningtiyas Herman,2Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih,3I Made Arjaya
1,2,3Master of Law, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i4-05Google Scholar Download Pdf
In general, natural human needs are divided into two, namely primary needs and secondary needs. Primary needs are absolute basic needs such as clothing, food and shelter. Meanwhile, secondary needs are needs related to creating a prosperous life such as economic needs. One form of welfare life created by humans is technology. Technology is a concept related to the type of use and knowledge of tools and skills. Various business people utilize technology as a business field, one of which is Mapping Services Drone Indonesia (MSDI). MSDI uses drone technology to provide mapping services. In the transaction between business actors and clients, an agreement arises. Therefore, researchers are interested in discussing two formulations, namely: 1) how is the concept of drone agreement standards in providing balance for various parties? 2) How is the default settlement procedure in the implementation of the agreement on the use of mapping services with drones at Mapping Services Drone Indonesia (MSDI)? This research uses normative legal research methods, namely collecting and analyzing secondary data using secondary data sources only, namely books related to the problem, related laws and regulations, related court decisions, legal theories and relevant scholars' doctrines, and case studies related to legal issues. Although this type of research is normative law, this research also uses purposive sampling technique, which is one of the sampling methodologies used in research to achieve research objectives. The purposive sampling technique used in the research is obtained from Mapping Services Drone Indonesia (MSDI). The theories used are the theory of responsibility and the theory of legal protection. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the agreement provided by the service provider / MSDI to the service recipient / client has fulfilled the principle of balance, such as the rights and obligations of each party, the payment system, and an explanation of risk sharing. This avoids conflicts of interest or possible risks in the future. In the context of the agreement, default resolution can be done in non-litigation or litigation. However, until now the default settlement can still be resolved in a non-litigation / peaceful manner.
KEYWORDS:Settlement of Default; Agreement; Drone Mapping Services
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