Regilito D. Laurel, Phd
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Department of English, University of Benghazi, Libya
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The study investigates the role of educational leadership and practices to school system and discipline. Specifically, it
focuses on the goals and expectation, resolution and alignment, quality teaching support, learning and development, safe and
orderly learning atmosphere of the school setting.
Results show that the role of educational leadership and practices implements to reform in the school leaders in
compliance of improvement and substantive practice, contribute in the understanding of insights on resolution and alignment to
enact instructional leadership, provide attributes in understanding the quality of teaching to bring school leaders for a positive
change, identify the learning quality and development opportunities in the factors addressed to success of teaching and learning
process, and support the goals for an effective learning atmosphere in the school system, strong leadership process, clear vision
in the learning process, and creates a climate for better learning.
Findings show that there is a significant correlation on the roles of educational leadership and practices as observed by
the respondents.
Role of educational leaderships and practice, school system and discipline, goals and expectation, resolution and alignment, quality teaching support, learning and development, safe and orderly learning atmosphere
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