Solomon S. Mhango
Senior Lecturer, Department of Postgraduate Studies, Tengeru Institute of Community Development,Arusha. Tanzania
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Fishing is among livelihood activities for many residents around the world, however, women inclusion in the fishing value chain is not equal to men. This gap is attributed by different factors. The study analyses the factors that influence women inclusion in fish value chain in Kilombero District, Morogoro. Tanzania. Cross-sectional research design involving 132 women fishers was used. Systematic random and purposive sampling techniques were used. Questionnaire survey and key informant interviews were used to gather information from women fishers and Key informants for the study. The data analysis employed Multiple linear regression and thematic content analysis. It was found that awareness on fish activities, access to market fish supply, access to credit, access to license, social responsibilities, norms and customs are the important variables influencing women inclusion in fish value chain. The study concludes that awareness on fish activities, accessibility to fish markets, credit and to license are opportunities for women to engage into fish value chain while existing cultural norms and customs social responsibilities drawbacks. The study recommends that the government needs to advocate for environment that promote opportunities for women to engage into fish value chain whilst diminishing negative cultural situation that discourage women involvement into fish value chain.
KEYWORDS:Fish, value chain, fish value chain, women, inclusion.
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