1Dr. Azzam Abdulwahhab. A. K. AL-Sabbagh,2Inaam Diab Shanawa
1,2Middle Technical University -Technical Administration Institute Department of Materials Management -Baghdad, Iraq
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i4-43Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims mainly to show whether outsourcing (manufacturing by others) affects the quality of products. It also shows the most important advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing (manufacturing by others). For this reason, the study was conducted in a number of Iraqi industrial companies. Where the study followed the descriptive analytical approach, the data related to the study was collected through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of department and division managers in those companies, in addition to the work data recorded in the records of the researched companies. For the purpose of obtaining the results, the data obtained through the SPSS program were analyzed and the results were used to determine the quality of the relationship between outsourcing (Manufacturing by others) and the dimensions of product quality in the study sample companies.
KEYWORDS:production, outsourcing, quality, product quality.
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