1Akhmad Kharis Mukhyiddin,2Budi Rianto,3Sri Umiyati
1,2,3Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya,Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i4-29Google Scholar Download Pdf
The objective of the Indonesian National Army Marine Corps (TNI AL) Marine Corps Joint Training Program with the United States Marine Corps (USMC) is to increase the professionalism of the soldiers involved in the training, strengthen the cooperative relations between the two countries in the field of defense and security as well as internally as a form of carrying out the duties of the Indonesian Navy in enhancing the diplomatic role of the Navy in order to support the foreign policy policies set by the government. In this study the authors formulate the problem regarding: how effective is the joint training program carried out by the Marine Corps of the Indonesian Navy and the USMC?; and what are the things that support and hinder the effectiveness of the joint training cooperation program carried out by the Marine Corps of the Indonesian Navy and USMC. By using qualitative research methods, the Joint Training Program of the Marine Corps of the Indonesian National Army Navy (TNI AL) of the Indonesian Navy and the United States Marine Corps (USMC) was photographed with the concept of program effectiveness according to S.P Siagian (2008), namely clarity of objectives to be achieved; Clarity of strategy for achieving goals; The process of analysis and formulation of policies; Careful planning; Preparation of the right program; Availability of facilities and infrastructure; Effective and efficient program implementation; Monitoring and control system. The findings in the field are in accordance with the concept of effectiveness according to S.P Siagian (2008) which describes 8 aspects of program effectiveness namely; Clarity of goals to be achieved; Clarity of strategy for achieving goals; The process of analysis and formulation of policies; Careful planning; Preparation of the right program; Availability of facilities and infrastructure; Effective and efficient program implementation; Monitoring and control system. Factors supporting the effectiveness of the Joint Training Program between the Marine Corps of the Indonesian Navy and the USMC are the support from the central management (Mabes TNI AL); there is a clear relationship between the objectives and the training plan; Adequate funding; there is a training needs assessment (TNA); support for applying skills and knowledge learned in on-the-job training; and the assessment of the impact of training on personnel performance. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor for the effectiveness of the Joint Training Program between the Marine Corps of the Indonesian Navy and the USMC is the lack of English skills for members of the Marine Corps of the Indonesian Navy who carry out Joint Training tasks.
KEYWORDS:Program Effectiveness, Joint Training, Marine Corps, USMC
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