Faculty of Law Mataram University, Indonesia
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Significant role of air transportation in Indonesia, especially from a political and economic perspective, it has led to rapid developments in the world of national aviation. This remarkable development of air transportation is not supported by adequate laws and regulations, especially those relating to the requirement to obtain compensation in the event of a loss suffered by the passenger due to an error made by the air carrier. Law Number 1 of 2009 Concerning Aviation which is expected to bring about reforms within Aviation Law in Indonesia, especially regarding the terms of liability of the air carrier for losses suffered by air transport service users, there are not many fundamental changes when compared to the provisions contained in the Air Freight Ordinance (Luchvervoer Ordonantie). It is necessary to review the status of Law Number 1 of 2009 as a form of renewal of aviation law in Indonesia. Conditions for accidents need to be expanded, not only accidents experienced by air transportation modes, but accidents experienced by users of air transportation services since paying the transportation costs are the liability of the air carrier. The terms of embarkation so far need to be expanded in terms of meaning, starting from the time the transportation agreement is agreed upon by the payment of transportation costs by the transportation service user and the meaning of disembarkation ending when the transportation service user leaves the destination airport building.
KEYWORDS:Aviation; Air Transportation; Law Reform
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3) Ordonantie Pengangkutan Udara, Stb 1939 : 100

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