• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Stock Market Effects of Covid'19 in India
1CA Swati Saxena,2Mr. Haridarshan Singh,3Mr. Vikki Sharma
1Senior Associate, PWC
2,3Assistant Professor, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i4-12

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The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, which began in Wuhan, China, and has since spread throughout China and the rest of the world has had a significant and detrimental effect on economies and stock markets everywhere. The outbreak began in Wuhan, China, and has since spread throughout China and the rest of the world. The first known case of the virus was discovered in Wuhan, China, and since then, it has been found throughout the rest of China and the rest of the world. The preliminary phase of the Covid wave had a sizeable impact on the activity in the Indian stock market. At this point in time, the e of this factor had a significant impact. This study employs a wide variety of statistical analysis techniques togate the effect that COVID-19 will have on the BSE Top 30 companies during the period beginning in January 2020 and ending in September 2020. This period covers when COVID-19 will become effective until it takes no list longer. The investigation was conducted during the time which was previously. The period that is being considered here begins in January of the year 2020 and continues all the September of that same year.


Indian Stock Market, Covid-19, and BSE.


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