1Maria Cristina Lalaine M. Nerona,2Michelle G. Quijano
1,2Isabela State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i3-49Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study was to determine the research culture among faculty members of Isabela State University which was also the population of this research. Total Enumeration sampling was used to determine the respondents among the different programs. A five-point Likert Scale was used and the instruments was validated by experienced professors in the field. As to the profile, majority of the respondents are from the college of education with the age bracket of 26 to 30, female, permanent faculty and has been in the service for 5 years and below. Accordingly, most of them are instructor with master’s degree and doctoral units, and equivalent teaching units of above 24. The study also shows that 61.31% of the respondents presented their paper for the last five years in the international, national and local conferences and categorize as technical, technological, social and educational. Faculty rarely involve in research work and activities. The perceived level of competence in research writing for faculty is good based on the overall mean. The level of involvement of faculty researchers and its profile particularly in educational status and highest educational attainment has significant relationship using Chi Square as the statistical tool. As to the significant relationship of faculty involvement in research and extent of Organization Support to faculty researchers shows significant relationship this means that the Administration should fully support any research activities of faculty members.
KEYWORDS:Research Work, Quantitative, Perception, Social Research, Implementation.
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