1Helen T. Asio, Ph.D., 2Ma. Cristina Lalaine M. Nerona, Ph.D.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i3-47Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Isabela State University has the mandate to provide effective education and training of the needed manpower resources through its four major functions:
research, extension and production. It has been a part of its Core Values to have a consistent engagement with the public by mobilizing all available human
resources in all its programs to cater the needs of its clienteles.
Hence, the proponents came up with this study, revisiting the Extension Programs of the campus for the past 6 years, from 2014-2019, to better understand its
existing situation which will be the basis in planning and formulating measures and strategies to come up with a more responsive extension programs.
The proponents performed the Descriptive- Quantitative Research, documentary analysis and interview. The result of the study shows that among the implemented
projects, most of them fall under the project category, LGU Capability Building with 28 or 49.09%.; College of Education has the highest number of involvement
with 25 or 43.86%; Instructor position are the major proponents, with 43 or 48.31%; LGU is the major partner agency with 12 or 37.48%; majority of the
projects last for weeks with 25 or 43.86%; Internal fund is the major source of of fund with 54 or 94.74%; Students are the major participants under internal
beneficiaries with 9 or 64.28%; As to External Beneficiaries, majority of the attendees are from different group of people with 19 or 47.5%; Majority of the
projects are started and completed, 40 or 70.17%; and along Sustainability, majority are not sustained with 54 or 94.73%. The result implies that the there
is a strong partnership between the extension unit of the university and the LGU where it belongs, and the extension programs are responsive to the needs of
various clienteles.
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