• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Level of Tourist Satisfaction in the Local Beaches of Calbayog City
1Roda Villones,2Lovely Laurel,3Marilyn Nueva,4 Ivy Ann Meregildo,5Alma, Moreno, 6Roland Micko Macorol,7Ana Jane Serbosquez,8Hanalie Tarrayo,9Neil Ericka Tobes,10Norjen Turla, 11Ghilson Amor
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i3-43

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Beach Tourism is one of the staple sectors in the industry of tourism. Domestic and International tourists invest time and money to experience different coastal activities for pleasure and excitement. Tourism reshapes as societal trends changes in a consistent manner. Thus, it affects consumer behavior and satisfaction. Tourist satisfaction is paramount to the success of any business.
This study is conducted to determine the level of tourist satisfaction on local beaches of Calbayog City in selected aspects, i.e., Accommodation, Climate, Safety, Scenery, and Water Quality. The respondents were the tourists and beach operators in Calbayog City. The study utilized the descriptive-assessment method of research to incarcerate tourists' satisfaction fully.
In the processing of data, this study utilized frequency and percentage distribution to describe the profile of the respondents, mean and standard deviation, chisquare test, while one-way analysis of variance to assess the results of the study.
The results of the study revealed that there was no significant difference between the profile of the respondents to the perceived level of tourist satisfaction on the local beaches of Calbayog City. Thus, the study failed to reject the null hypothesis. The study also revealed a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents to the perceived level of tourist satisfaction on the local beaches of Calbayog City. Thus, the study rejects the null hypothesis. The researchers proposed an improvement plan that will develop and promote the potential of the local beaches in Calbayog City.


tourist satisfaction, beach tourism


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