1Rio Albinus Tambunan,2Nukhe Andri Silviana
1,2Industrial Engineering Study Program, Medan Area University, Medan, North Sumatra 20223, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i3-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
The livestock sector is one of the income sources for people in Laupakam Village who are engaged in poultry farming, goats, buffaloes and other types of livestock planning to sell and market online but are constrained by website-based application information systems to sell and market various livestock products. In addition, the sale of livestock that is commonly done is also still traditionally done such as selling around the village using a freight car or marketing in traditional markets which slows down sales and does not guarantee sales. Based on the above problems, the author provides a solution by designing a user interface user experience website for livestock sales that creates the final result in the form of a prototype and can be used directly to users for the testing stage. So that with this design it can make it easier for people to sell and buy livestock products and easily and to improve the economy in Laupakam Village. This design process uses the design thinking method which includes five stages, namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Then testing in this study includes aspects of effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction using the usability testing method. Based on these tests, the effectiveness aspect obtained a value of 78.9%, the efficiency aspect obtained a value of 85% and the user satisfaction aspect obtained a value of 82.7%. So, the design of the livestock sales website solution gets a value of 81.78%, this value is included in the very good category.
KEYWORDS:User Interface, User Experience, Design Thinking, Prototype, Usability Testing
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