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Assessment of Social Adjustment Level Among Secondary School Students
1Dr. Varender Singh Patial,2Ms. Manisha Patial
1,2Director, Physical Education & Sports, Alliance University, Bengaluru, India - 562106
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i3-27

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the social adjustment of secondary school students. The descriptive survey method was used in the study to obtain pertinent and precise information. Two hundred forty students studying in classes 9th and 10th of secondary schools were selected through stratified random sampling technique from Jalandhar and Kapurthala districts of Punjab State. The data was collected by applying R. C. Deva’s Social Adjustment Inventory (1990). After the collection of the data, the percentage was applied. The findings revealed that the majority of the sample possessed Average/Moderate and Poor/Low levels of social adjustment.


Social Adjustment, Level of Social Adjustment, Secondary School Students.


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