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Measuring Self–Serving Cognitive Distortions in School Dropout Adolescents (Boys)
1Mohanapriya K,2Dr. T Jothimani
1Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore -641014
2Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore-641014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i2-05

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Adolescence is an important period in the life span which includes physical, and psychological changes. These changes can be difficult for an adolescent to adjust which can lead to different adversities. Sometimes overcoming such adversities can be problematic and leads to cognitive distortions known as biased thinking. Aim: the study aims to measure self-serving cognitive distortions in school drop -out boys. Sample: The sample size is n-40, and the samples were collected from various places in Madurai District, Tamil Nadu using the Purposive sampling method. Materials: informed consent form, socio-demographic variables, and the How I think questionnaire ( Barriga, et al, 2001). Results: From the results, it was found that the scoring for the dimensions Self-centered, blaming others, minimizing/mislabeling, assuming the worst, oppositional defiance, physical aggression, lying, and stealing fall under the clinical category which means there exists externalizing psychopathology. The study shows that the samples tend to engage in deviant behavior like aggression, violent behaviors, stealing, substance use, and criminal behavior


Adolescence, cognitive distortions, school dropout, deviant behaviour


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