1Sarol, Narvey A.,2Rosario, Florida S.
1Lyceum of the Philippines University, Manila
2Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i2-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
Given that the true test of leadership does not take place when everything is going according to plan, a leader's ability to support and guide personnel will determine whether they are a good or bad leader in the sector of tourist attractions (Kamau, 2020). As with any other industry, leadership in tourist attraction is vital to the success of the industry. Success in the tourist attraction relies heavily on collaboration, partnerships, and strong leadership. With the advent of COVID-19 , leadership in the tourist attraction sector has been put to the test. Nevertheless, the one thing this health crisis has demonstrated is th at when we find ourselves in crisis, we need leadership. Therefore, the objective of this study is to fill a gap in the literature consisting in the lack of a model relating the abovementioned variables. Basically, this study will present clarity on how global leadership st yle can influence the employee work engagement and health of tourist attraction sector of the hospitality industry. Additionally, results of the study served as a realization on possible considerations on how followership style mediates organizational support as important elements for fostering a positive and effective work environment.
KEYWORDS:Global Leadership, Employee Work Engagement, Followership Styles, Organizational Support, Tourist Attractions
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