1Edy Syamsuddin,2Nizam Ghazali,3Adim Hadi,4Najmi Abbas,5Raden Trimanadi,6Anggara Lomak,7Vionita Lukitari,8Priambodo
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i2-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
Consumption of lubricating oil continues to increase, until 2018 it reaches 1.14 million kL (kiloliters), the increase in oil use per year increases by around 2.5% then in 2019 there will be at least 600,000 kL of used oil that has not been processed properly. Oil consumption The main target is the establishment of a pilot facility to use used oil into alternative fuels. Alternative fuel (BBA) produced from the processing of used oil as fuel Type Solar Oil marketed domestically. Distillation process with the help of NaOH as a catalyst to obtain a clear and maximum product (quality and quantity). The results that have been obtained during the experiments are at a NaOH concentration of 0.05 kg / 10 liters of used oil showing excellent product results. The waste generated by this process is in the form of sludge and dirty oil which is directly reused. This used oil processing technology is expected to be able to be a breakthrough and the right solution to minimize the impact of used oil pollution and convert it into fuel that has high beneficial value and economic value as well as reduce fuel imports, reduce dependence on technology from outside, increase state foreign exchange, as well as encourage industrial competitiveness and increase the level of domestic content (TKDN).
KEYWORDS:Facilitation of alternative fuels, NaOH distillation, import substitution and carrying capacity of local industrial content
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