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Effectiveness of Stress Management Intervention on the Stress Level of Children in Rose of Sharon House of Friendship
1Mericar S. Mercado,2Charles Hubie L. Salcedo,3Jenele Patricia L. Servo,4Diana Yvonne C. Tomenio,5Araceli Bustamante-Paster
1,2,3,4College of Health and Allied Sciences, Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
5Adviser Pamantasanng Cabuyao
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i2-33

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The objective of this scholarly work is to determine how a stress management intervention influences the stress levels of children in a foundation. To make this feasible, a questionnaire based on the transcribed Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), a 10-item tool that surveys about thoughts and feelings from the preceding month, was utilized. The Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire underwent pilot testing to verify its reliability, and the results showed that the instrument had "acceptable reliability" according to Nunnally and Bernstein (1994), with an alpha value of 0.63. (10 items, 30 participants). N=30 receive treatment, 6week intervention. The experiment employed a within-subject design, which is then used to assess the efficacy of the stress management intervention. Founded by the results of the within measures ANOVA, it was determined that there was a significant difference in the level o f stress after receiving the stress management interventions, as indicated by the f-value (3) = 7.45, p-value =.001 is less than 0.05, which resulted in the rejection of the given hypothesis. Based on the preceding outcome, the stress management intervention was evidently a success in decreasing stress levels.


Stress, Perceived Stress Scale, Stress Management Intervention, Foundation, Children


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