1Abdu Razak, 2Syamsuryadin, 3Fauzi, 4Endang Rini Sukamti,5Deni Rahman Marpaung, 6FransFile Manihuruk
1,2,3,4,6Faculty of Sports Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
5Faculty of Sports Science, Medan State University, Medan Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i2-24Google Scholar Download Pdf
The game of volleyball is one of the many sports that is growing rapidly among the general public, schools and clubs, this is because volleyball only uses simple equipment and can bring pleasure when playing it. This study aims to determine the relationship between arm muscle strength and leg muscle explosive power against smash volleyball athletes. This type of research uses literature studies. The database in this study with the criteria of the article comes from Sinta. In this study, 4 articles were used which became a reference for researchers to conduct a review. Characteristics of the 4 articles, 1). Issues from the last 6 years, 2). The articles reviewed are related to the focus of this research. Then the procedure for searching the articles needed in this research is based on the Google engine: 1). Google scholar and 2). Google Chrome. The analysis of this study is the relationship between arm muscle strength and leg muscle explosive power against smash volleyball athletes
KEYWORDS:Athletes, Arm Muscle Strength, and Leg Muscle Explosiveness, Smash Volleyball
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