1Ebenezer Asuquo Williams, 2Ekom Enefiok Okpo, 3Imo Edwin Nkan
1,2,3Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Nigeria.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
The present study explores the integration of photovoltaic (PV) systems for enhancement of power system quality and reliability, particularly when PV system is deployed to power inductive loads which have wide applications in commercial and industrial settings. A mixed approach is deployed using MATLAB/Simulink for the modelling and simulation process. The study investigates the impact of inductive loads on PV system, comparing its performance with a conventional power source of same power willing capacity. The PV system was modelled by connecting PV arrays in series and parallel combinations. The output of the PV arrays was fed into a three phase PWM inverter, the harmonics present at the inverter output were eliminated using properly sized Inductor- capacitor (L-C) filter circuit. Also, a three-phase conventional source of same output capacity was modelled. Comparative analysis of the impacts inductive loads has on both sources were carried out and this was accomplished by integrating three-phase asynchronous motor rated at 15kW(20HP). The induction motors were independently powered by two distinct sources and further subjected to intermittent loading conditions. The major parameters investigated includes the rotor speed, rotor current, and electromagnetic torque of the asynchronous motor. The outcome of the study showed that the conventional source outperforms the PV system. These necessitates the studies on adoption of advance strategies on how the negative impacts and challenges encountered in the course of integrating PV system to power inductive loads will be address.
KEYWORDS:Asynchronous Machine; Rotor Current; MATLAB/Simulink; Rotor Speed; Electromagnetic Torque; PV Array, Conventional Source; Photovoltaic System; L-C filter.
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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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