Nora Lelyana
Universitas Hang Tuah, Jalan Arief Rachman Hakim No. 150, Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Aim: This qualitative research aims to explore the key geographical and demographic characteristics of the Indonesian maritime community and their impact on dental health services.
Research Method: This research will utilize secondary data sources such as existing studies, reports, and statistical data to analyze the geographical and demographic characteristics of the Indonesian maritime community.
Research Findings: The Indonesian maritime community faces complex challenges in dental health services, influenced by factors like access, social and cultural determinants, rural health, and oral health policies. Addressing these challenges requires expanding access, strengthening the dental workforce, and implementing policies that promote oral health. Socioeconomic factors, cultural beliefs, and geographic location significantly influence dental health within the Indonesian maritime community, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions. Evaluating the effectiveness of policies and initiatives related to dental health services is important in reducing disparities and identifying areas for improvement. To implement effective management strategies for dental health services, healthcare management theories, social determinants of health, and collaboration and partnerships are necessary to address the unique challenges in this community.
Conclusion: Implementing a management strategy that addresses the challenges in dental health services within the Indonesian maritime community is essential for improving oral health outcomes. Collaboration and partnerships, along with targeted interventions based on socioeconomic and cultural factors, are key to achieving this goal.
KEYWORDS:demographic characteristics, dental health services, geographic characteristics, Indonesian maritime community, management strategy
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