1Rahmat, 2Djoko Pekik Irianto, 3Faidillah Kurniawan
1,2,3Sports Coaching Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, Jalan Colombo No. 1, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-63Google Scholar Download Pdf
The aim of this research is to determine the quality of communication between athletes and coaches in Kutai Kartanegara district, East Kalimantan. The aim of research on the quality of communication between athletes and coaches is to evaluate and analyze athletes' perceptions regarding the quality of communication they receive from their coaches. To identify areas of communication that can be improved between athletes and coaches, as well as understand how successful communication can be understood by athletes and impact outcomes. The need for coaches to understand better communication with athletes. The method used in this research uses quantitative descriptive. Quantitative descriptive is a research method by collecting data and processing it in a descriptive way. It can also be used to identify factors that influence conclusions about the subject under study. Quantitative descriptives can be used to collect information from populations or individual subjects. This method can also be used to analyze previous data to look for patterns or trends in the data. The number of samples in the study was 233 athletes. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire in the form of a Google Form. With Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique analysis using AMOS version 24 software. The results of this study note that the results are in the quality of coach-athlete communication. The RMSEA of this research is 0.074 with a recommended value of ≤ 0.08, this shows that the research model is fit. The AGFI in this model is 0.850. Values close to the recommended level ≥ 0.90 indicate marginal fit of the research model. The GFI in this model is 0.892. Values close to the recommended level ≥ 0.90 indicate marginal fit of the research model. CMIN/DF in this study was 2.101, indicating that the research model was fit. The TLI in this study was 0.942 with the recommended value being ≥ 0.90, this shows that the research model is fit. The CFI in this study is 0.953, the recommended value is ≥ 0.90, this shows that the research model is fit.
KEYWORDS:quality, communication, athletes, coaches, east kalimantan
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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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