1Evan Fauzan Putra, 2Tri Septin Muji Rahayu, 3Arini Hidayah, 4Purnadi
1,2,3,4Faculty Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah Purwokerto University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-49Google Scholar Download Pdf
Local brand shoes in Indonesia have been in great demand by young people, both men and women because the quality and model are not inferior to foreign-made products. The purpose of this study was to examined the influence of celebrity endorsement, brand image, brand trust, and lifestyle on purchase decisions for Geoff Max brand shoes. The population of this study were students at three universities, namely Jendral Soedirman University, Muhammadiyah Purwokerto University, and K.H Saifuddin Zuhri State Islamic University Purwokerto. The method used in this research was quantitative method with purposive sampling with a total of 100 students who are processed using five Likert scale with multiple regression analysis using SPSS Version 26. The results of this study indicated that celebrity endorsement and brand image have no significant influence on purchase decisions, while brand trust and lifestyle have a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions. The results of the t-value test calculated on lifestyle variables of (4,303) and a signification value of 0.000, thus lifestyle is more dominant in influencing the purchase decision of Geoff Max brand shoes compared to brand trust.
KEYWORDS:Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Image, Brand Trust, Lifestyle, and Purchase Decisions
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