1Fannya Turrohmah, 2Daru Wahyuni
1,2Department of Economic Education, Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-46Google Scholar Download Pdf
Indonesia's jobless rate is highest among graduates with vocational training. One of these is purportedly because pupils still have poor technologically preeminent intentions even when they are enrolled in vocational school. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how entrepreneurial motivation, through a mediation of entrepreneurship knowledge and ICT self-efficacy, affects students' technoprenuerial intention at the SMK TJKT Department in Wonosobo Regency. This study uses a quantitative technique and is verifiable descriptive in nature. Propotional random sampling is the method used for sampling. Methods of gathering data that include questionnaires for ICT factors including self-efficacy, technopreneurial intention, and entrepreneurial motivation, as well as tests for entrepreneurial knowledge variables. The path analysis technique is the data analysis method that is employed. The study's findings indicate that: 1) Students' motivation to pursue entrepreneurship is positively and significantly influenced by their entrepreneurial expertise. 2) ICT self-efficacy positively and significantly affects students' motivation to pursue entrepreneurship. 3) Technopreneurial intention is positively and significantly influenced by entrepreneurial knowledge. 4) Technopreneurial intention is positively and significantly impacted by ICT self-efficacy. 5) Students' entrepreneurial motivation has a positive and significant impact on their intention to become technopreneurials. 6) Students' entrepreneurial motivation acts as a mediating factor between the positive and significant influence of entrepreneurial knowledge on technopreneurial intention. 7) ICT self-efficacy has a favorable and significant impact on technopreneurial intention, which is mediated by students' entrepreneurial motivation.
KEYWORDS:ICT Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Entrepreneurial Knowledge, and Technoprenuerial Intention
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