• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

Media Relation Strategies of the Finance Track Field of G20 Summit Publicity in Indonesia
1Rini Tri Utami, 2Nanang Trenggono, 3Andy Corry Wardhani, 4Anna Gustina Zainal
1Student of Communication Department, Faculty of Social Politics, Lampung University
2,3,4Lecturers of Communication Department, Faculty of Social Politics, Lampung University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-40

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G20 forum is the mega event firstly held and became the history for Indonesian. Therefore, one of publicity successes of this event is the media relation, so that the showed publicities nationally and internationally can increase the world trustworthiness to Indonesia and can foster the sense of pride at eyes of societies. Moreover, there is the speciality in the publicity efforts and the strategies of media relation carried by G20 Finance Track communication and branding teams where one of the assigned missions is delivering every meeting result progress of working groups as well as delivering the exclusive higher information which is reachable and understandable by the whole scope of societies both national and international. In this study, the media relation activities as the effort to establish the relation with the press are aimed at seven activities which are press conferences, press briefing, press tour, press release, special event, press luncheon, press interviewing. This study used the constructivist paradigm with the descriptive qualitative approach. Data collecting method is conducted by using literature studies, interviewing and data exploring virtually. The result of this study showed that the executed activities in the effort of establishing a good relationship with the press has represented the concepts of media relation. And the most prominent activity in this G20 publicities is press briefing session.


G20 Summit, Indonesia, Media Relation Strategies, Publicity, The Finance Track Field,

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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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