Mr. John Genesson Omo
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Health risk issues caused by antibiotics as growth promoters as well as a change in meat preference to chickens led the exploration for alternatives. The study determined the best kind and level of probiotics to colored chicken in terms of growth performance, carcass quality and economic analysis. One Hundred Sixty Five (165) day-old chicks were randomly distributed into eleven treatments replicated thrice employing RCBD. Comparable performance were observed on colored birds given different probiotics from 10 to 30% levels in terms of growth performance and carcass quality. However, giving the colored birds probiotics at 30% level resulted to a higher cost of feeds to produce a kilogram gain in weight.
KEYWORDS:feed conversion ratio, gain in weight, probiotics, sasso, wet feeding
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