1Partijem, 2Ika Budi Maryatun, 3Joko Pamungkas
1,2,3Department of Early Childhood Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to determine the role of parents in the development of early childhood literacy at State Kindergarten Pembina Bantul. The study population was parents of students in class A.4 at State Kindergarten Pembina Bantul, totalling 18 people. The sample was taken using total sampling technique. The instrument used was a closed questionnaire. The data analysis technique used percentage descriptive statistics. The results showed that the percentage of the role of parents in the development of early literacy in children aged 4-5 years at State Kindergarten Pembina Bantul was 62.36% (less). The description of each parent's role in early literacy development, Phonological Awareness of 65.83% is in the good category, Vocabulary Skill of 65.18 is in the good category, Print Motivation of 58.07% is in the less category, Print Awareness of 70.83% is in the good category, Letter Knowledge of 56.25% is in the less category, and Narrative Skills of 55.00% is in the less category.
KEYWORDS:parents' role, literacy, early childhood
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