1Ekpa Kenneth Andikan, 2Joshua Odion, 3Akpan Nsikak Uduak
1,3Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, Nigeria.
2Department of Instrumentation and Control, Total Energies Limited, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
In this paper, simulated design and evaluation of centralized off grid street light solar power system with backup generator is presented. The design of the street light solar power system takes into consideration the desired illumination level, the width of road, the coefficient of utilization, the maintenance factor, the desired distance between street light poles, the pole height, the pole space to pole height ratio and the total length of the street. The case study street light is located along IBB Avenue in Uyo, with latitude and longitude of 5.016982, 7.911769 respectively, path length of 2.2 km and daily energy demand of 125.8 kWh/day. The PVSyst simulation results show that the solar fraction is 0.993 which indicates that 99.3 % of the energy demand of the street light is supplied from the solar power while the remaining 0.7% of the energy demand is supplied form the backup generator. The total energy supplied by the generator is 375.7 kWh whereas the total annual energy generated from the PV array is 53739 kWh. The annual total of the energy demand is 46059 kWh while the annual total of the energy supplied to the street light from the solar power system is 46027 kWh. Also, the annual mean of the battery state of charge (SoC) is 80.3 %. Also, it is noted that the month of August alone has about 375.7 kWh energy supply from the backup generator with about 98 liters of fuel. Specifically, in a whole year, the backup generator will be used for only three days in August, namely, on the 13th, 14th and 15th of August, with the maximum supply of 239.8012 kWh occurring on the 14th day of August. Furthermore, the performance ratio (PR) of the system is 48.5%. In all, the results show that the solar power system is able to supply the required energy demand of the case study street light with only 0.7% deficit which is supplied from the backup generator.
KEYWORDS:Centralized solar power, Photovoltaic solar power, Loss of load, Off grid solar power, Solar fraction, Street light power system, Backup generator.
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