1Maulana Aditya Pamungkas, 2Devi Tirtawirya, 3Wahyu Dwi Yulianto
1,2,3Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
Research This mean to (1) Develop instrument test accuracy in athletes badminton chair wheel . (2) Testing validity and reliability instrument test accuracy badminton chair wheel . Type study This is development (Research and Development). Research design development using the Thiagarajan development model , namely 4D, Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination. (1) Define : do analysis need with trainer and observation field , (2) Design : designing guidelines test , (3) Development ( development ): developing a test model accuracy hair parry chair wheel , (a) Validity test fill with 2 lecturers experts and 3 trainers hair parry chair wheel , (b) Reliability test with ates trials carried out by 10 athletes and 2 trials . Research result show that : Validity and reliability test : validity fill from (1) backhand service: 0.85-1.00, (2) flick service: 0.85-1.00, (3) backhand netting: 0.85-1.00, (4) forehand netting: 0.85-1.00, (5) dropshot: 0.85-1.00, (6) lob: 0.85-1.00, meaning the whole item has level validity good content , reliability mark significance (1) backhand service: 0.005, (2) flick service: 0.001, (3) backhand netting: 0.000, (4) forehand netting: : 0.000, (5) dropshot: : 0.000, (6) lob: 0.002 value significance <0.05, can concluded that results the own good correlation or own level good reliability between tests 1 and 2.
KEYWORDS:test instrument accuracy, fluff parry, chair wheel
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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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