1Jamiluddin, 2Maf’ulah, 3Fadhilah Zamzam, 4Dwi Putri
1,2,3,4English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tadulako.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-13Google Scholar Download Pdf
Based on the results of pre-observations in class and the results of informal interviews with English teachers at SMP Negeri 11 Palu several months ago, several experiences revealed that teachers do not yet have a clear model of how to synchronize methods and approaches to suit the students’ needs, especially teaching methods and techniques that suit students' needs to overcome the inability to understand and use 'English Finite' appropriately and correctly according to the procedures for using a sentence in English. Students experience difficulty in using 'English Finite' when practicing speaking and writing. Therefore, the aim of this research is to reveal and prove that through the 'MAMA' type cooperative learning model, students can improve their mastery of 'English Finite' in everyday English practice. This research is experimental research to test a 'MAMA' type cooperative learning model. The research sample was 18 students from class VIII A as the control class group and 20 students from class VIII C as the experimental class group, at SMP Negeri 11. Furthermore, treatment or application of the 'MAMA' type cooperative learning model was only given to the experimental group, while the control class underwent the application of conventional learning. Data collection was carried out by giving tests to both groups. Based on the pre-test results, the experimental group was 51.5, while the control group was 50.83. Furthermore, after implementing MAMA type learning, the experimental class was given a posttest and the result was 65.78, while the control class went through conventional learning and the posttest result was 58.23. This indicates that the increase in the 'mean score' of the experimental group was much higher than that of the control group. It can be concluded that by implementing 'MAMA' type cooperative learning can improve students' ability to write precise and correct English Finite in making descriptive texts.
KEYWORDS:Cooperative Learning Model, Type of Make a Match (MAMA), EnglishFinite.
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