1Dwi Herni Rizkika, 2M. Firmansyah
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram & Lombok, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i12-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
Regional Financial Performance is a parameter used to determine the success or failure of regional governments in implementing their policies to achieve financial management strategies. According to Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 13 of 2006, performance is the output or result of a project or program that will be completed in connection with the use of the budget, both quantity and mixed quality. This research aims to determine and analyze the Financial Performance of Regional Governments, especially the Financial Independence Ratio, the Degree of Fiscal Decentralization Ratio, the PAD Effectiveness Ratio, the PAD Efficiency Ratio, Regional Financial Dependence, and the Human Development Index. The population used in this research were ten regencies/cities in NTB Province such as West Lombok, Central Lombok, East Lombok, North Lombok, Mataram City, Bima City, Bima, Sumbawa, West Sumbawa, Dompu, for the period 2018 - 2022. This research uses quantitative methods with multiple linear regression analysis techniques for panel data.
KEYWORDS:Regional Financial Performance, Financial Independence Ratio, Fiscal Decentralization Degree Ratio, PAD Effectiveness Ratio, PAD Efficiency Ratio, Regional Financial Dependence, Human Development Index
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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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