• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

The Effect of Interpersonal Intelligence on Social Science Learning Outcomes; a Correlational Study of Grade V Students at Tonggalan Muhammadiyah Elementary School
1Ailsa Mahardika Nahda, 2Achmad Fathoni
1,2Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Muhammadiyah University Surakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-08

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This research is motivated because there are still students getting scores below the KKM. Another problem found is that most students are less familiar with other students. This study aims (1) to determine whether there is an influence of interpersonal intelligence on social studies learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Tonggalan Klaten District. (2) To determine the percentage of the influence of interpersonal intelligence on social studies learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Tonggalan Klaten District. This type of research is ex post facto research. The population in this study were all fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Tonggalan Klaten District, totalling 32 students, with total sampling technique. The instrument to measure emotional intelligence is a questionnaire, while the social studies learning outcomes instrument uses report card scores. Data analysis techniques using simple regression analysis. Based on the results showed that there is a significant influence of Interpersonal Intelligence on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Tonggalan Klaten District, with a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. The magnitude of the influence of Interpersonal Intelligence on Social Studies Learning Outcomes in fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Tonggalan Klaten District is 62.10%, while the rest is influenced by other factors of 37.90% outside the study.


Interpersonal Intelligence, Social Studies Learning Outcomes

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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