1IYAMABHOR Martins, 2Ekpeni Perpetual Ogechukwu, 3AWOSIGHO Onome Precious, 4Ubogu Efedirin Oghenekevwe
1,2Department Of Business Management and Entrepreneurship Faculty Of Management Sciences Dennis Osadebay University, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria
3Department Of Business Management and Entrepreneurship Faculty Of Management Sciences Delta State University, Abraka
4Department Of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship Faculty Of Management Sciences Dennis Osadebay University,Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-56Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study evaluates the impact of Modern Management Competitive Intelligence Strategies (MCCI Strategies) on the performance of selected telecommunication firms. The construct of MMCI Strategies, which includes both technological intelligence and strategic intelligence, is the independent variable of the study. The dependent variable, organizational performance, is the primary data collected from 130 staff members and customers. A total of 125 sets of questionnaire were administered, resulting in a total of 125 retrieved (96.2%), with 5 rejected. Correlation and multiple regression analysis were employed as the primary analytical tools. Findings demonstrate the importance of technological intelligence opportunity for business competitive advantage. This is confirmed by the findings of the study by Venter et al. (2014). Modern management competitive intelligence (MCCI) strategy is better suited to predicting a firm’s future performance by speaking directly with competitors, suppliers and regulators, and even customers. Competitive intelligence provides insight into what groups are actually intending to do, as opposed to predictions based on historic data. The study recommends that a modern MCCI strategy should have a singular purpose - to develop strategies and tactics to move market share, gainfully and consistently, from a particular competitor to the company, as the foundation for modern MCCI strategies lies in managerial decisions about how to position a business to maximise the value of capabilities that set it apart from its competitors.
KEYWORDS:Technological Intelligence, Strategic Intelligence and Organizational Performance
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