1Gaspard Ukwizagira, 2Theogene Ndabamenye, 3Bienvenu Nezerwa, 4Habimana Umukunzi George Bush
1,4Assistant lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Rwanda polytechnic /IPRC Huye P.O. Box:575 Huye-Rwanda
2Lecturer of civil engineering department at Rwanda polytechnic /IPRC Huye P.O. Box:575 Huye-Rwanda, PhD student in Civil Engineering (Structural Option) at Pan Africa university, Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI).
3Assistant Lecturer & Head of civil engineering department at Rwanda polytechnic /IPRC Huye P.O. Box:575 Huye-Rwanda,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-52Google Scholar Download Pdf
The amount of waste plastics which are released by factories and human activities day to day becomes big problem to human being health as days ahead. The major impact of waste plastics is the environmental pollution, as they do not decompose. This current study, was about to use those waste plastics as Partial replacement of bitumen in bituminous concrete production for road pavement. Different materials like plastics, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler materials and bitumen were used. The plastics used in this research were shredded into small pieces of 5 to 10 mm size and mixed with aggregates in hot state. Tests on aggregates and bitumen for strength and specific gravity were carried out respectively. To examine the behavior of plastics, test specimens were prepared without plastic contents with different bitumen percentage of 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5% for the purpose of finding optimum bitumen binder for normal mix. The optimum bitumen percent for normal bituminous mix is 5.7% and the maximum stability of 9.2875 KN is reported, which is above 8.2 KN as minimum stability accepted. The quantity of bitumen was partially replaced with 3%, 10%, 15% and 20% by plastics. High stability value of 10.89 KN was found at optimum 14.3% plastics. This paper reports that waste plastics produce a good result compare to normal mix.
KEYWORDS:Waste plastics, Bitumen, Aggregates, Stability, Optimum bitumen, Partial replacement
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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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