Muh. Mukti
Faculty of Language Arts and Culture Yogyakarta State University
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Dewi Kunti, is a female character in wayang. So far, Kunti's philosophy has been fine, because it is seen through the symbolism approach of something that is not visible. But is that the case when viewed with a reality approach from something that appears? The purpose of this paper is to find out Kunti's philosophy in a Javanese perspective in the approach of what reality looks like. To find out Dewi Kunthi's philosophy in the Javanese perspective, it is done in a grammatical way, namely by interpreting what appears systematically and consistently. As a result, Dewi Kunti from a Javanese perspective, the story from when she first studied with Resi Druwasa, was disorganized. Kunti's disobedience in studying with Resi Druwasa, made her knowledge not a blessing, meaning that it was not practiced as it should, resulting in catastrophes that befell her family, even the world community.
KEYWORDS:philosophy, Kunti, Java
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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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