Md. Shaharier Hasan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Stamford University Bangladesh, Bangladesh
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
An inverter for solar panels is proposed in this paper. The inverter's various components have been tested with MATLAB Simulink. The output of the inverter has been analysed using MATLAB Simulink to determine whether pure sine waves are being produced. There are two kinds of loads that are employed in-house, inductive and capacitive loads. The outputs of the inverter are connected to the loads, and Irms, THDv, and Vrms have been measured. Additionally, the THDv value can be observed by adjusting the PV array's radiation and temperature. Furthermore, Irms and THDv changes can be accompanied by a change in the load value of inductive capacitance. The inverter's accessories, such as the PV array, Buck Converter, DC-DC, battery charge-controller, and battery connectors, are also tested using MATLAB Simulink. This kind of inverter can be used to illuminate buildings, businesses, and industries. Most household appliances run on alternating current, so to renovate DC to AC, an inverter is rummage-sale.
KEYWORDS:PV Array, DC-DC Buck Converter, Battery Charge Controller, Battery, MATLAB/SIMULINK Model, Inverter
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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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