• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

Elaboration of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) for Reinforcing Reinforced Concrete Beams
1Nawel Chibani, 2Ahmed Beroual
1,2Department of Civil Engineering, Materials and durability of constructions laboratory, University of the Mentouri Brothers, Constantine1, Algeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i11-03

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This paper presents an experimental study of the four-point simple bending behaviour of low strength reinforced concrete beams, reinforced with self-compacting concrete (SCC) with two different strength classes (30 and 40MPa) and ordinary strength concrete (30MPa).And to compare the simple bending behaviour of beams reinforced with (SCC) to that of beams reinforced with ordinary concrete, is taken as a reference control concrete. The rheological properties of the materials used were determined using the slump-flow, L-box, V-funnel and sieve stability tests. The mechanical properties of studied concretes were evaluated at 7 and 28 days of cure. The results obtained have shown that self-compacting concrete (SCC) appears to be a very promising material for the reinforcement of concrete structures. The (SCC) offer increased stability, manoeuvrability and adequate filling capacity. This contributed to the improved performance of the self-compacting concrete (SCC) reinforcement configuration compared to ordinary concrete as a reinforcement material.


ordinary concrete, self-compacting concrete (SCC), four-point bending test, reinforced beams, behavior.

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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